What We Believe

Our beliefs are shaped and inspired from confessions, creeds and catechisms of historical Christianity:

  • 1 Corinthians 15:3-7

  • The Apostles Creed

  • The Nicene Creed

  • The Athanasian Creed

  • Geneva Catechism

  • Heidelberg Catechism

  • The Westminster Confession of Faith

  • Lausanne Covenant Statement of Faith


  • He is one

  • He is eternal

  • He is Creator and Lord of the whole world

  • He is Father, Son and Spirit

  • He governs all things according to His will

  • He is the loving redeemer

  • He is Holy; utterly set apart from the rest of his creation

  • He is worthy of glory, honour and praise


  • Both Men and Women are created in the image of the Triune God

  • Men and Women, though distinct in roles are equal in value

  • Humanity has divinely-given dominion over the created order

  • Through Adam and Eve, who sinned before the creator God, all of humanity is sinful by nature

  • The supreme need of humanity is to be reconciled with God


  • The Bible is the only inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God

  • The total compilation of 66 books in the Bible is entirely without error in its original writings

  • The Holy Scriptures are totally sufficient for the revelation of salvation

  • It is the final authority in all matters pertaining to faith and life, as it is the final arbiter in all these issues


  • Jesus Christ is the second person of the God-head

  • He is the eternal son of God the Father

  • He became human: Fully God yet Fully Man (Hypostatic Union)

  • He is the promised Messiah of the Old Testament

  • He perfectly obeyed the Father and lived a sinless life

  • He was crucified under Pontius Pilate, was buried, and arose from the grave on the third day and ascended into heaven where he now sits at the right hand of the Father

  • He will return in power and glory for his Bride (The Church) and to judge the living and the dead


  • Salvation is found in no one else but Jesus Christ

  • Through Christ’s obedience and death he fully discharged the debt owed of all those who call upon His name

  • Salvation is given as a gift of unmerited grace by God to sinners

  • The work of the Spirit is necessary to awaken the individual to the need for forgiveness and deliverance. He also enables the individual to repent and place faith in Jesus Christ


  • The Church universal is the invisible communion of the saints; believers who have been saved and redeemed by Christ, spread all over the world, throughout history

  • The Church local is the visible Church; that is the gathering of believers around Christ

  • It is a community of individuals bound together by the goal of glorifying God and bearing witness to his message to save and transform lives

  • The Church is built by individuals who are equipped by the Holy Spirit with various gifts for the building up of the community