Hello, we are so glad you are thinking of visiting us!
We gather at 10am on Sundays at 219A North Rocks Road, North Rocks NSW 2151 in Davies Hall. Let us know if you’re thinking of joining us by filling out the Newcomers’ Form. We’d love to connect and introduce you to some great people!
Site Map
Epping Station to Church
(Beecroft Rd, front of K-Style Food)
Depart 9:30am | Arrive 9:50am
Church to Epping Station
Depart 12:30pm | Arrive 12:50pm
(Contact: Chan Woo Lee, 0408 440 655)
Updated 29 September 2022
Physical service
Our Sunday services are held at 10am at Davies Hall (see map above).
Online streaming
Our Sunday services are streamed online at 10am via our YouTube page.
Tithing is an opportunity for those of us who consider New Life to be our home to express worship and faith through the act of giving financially. Our bank details for tithing are (please include transaction description ‘New Life’):
BSB: 633 000
Account Number: 127 692 978
Account Name: Sydney Sae Soon Presbyterian Church
Description: New Life